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Increase your performance by up to 500% – without constant overload

We help you achieve your most ambitious goals through neuroscience-based flow training.

achieve more with less stress

better performance for faster results

significantly increased creativity & learning ability

What others say about training with us

Knut Tondera

Vice President

Monique Rodrigo

Head of Marketing


Country Manager


Process Management


Country Manager

Matthias Wenzel

Supply Chain Management

Nick Horstmann


Bartlomiej Letocha

Sales Manager

Tim Cummins

Chief Financial Officer

Wojtek Kaminski

Country Manager

Stefanie Petersen

International Assortments


Franchise Manager

    Performance levels have dropped significantly…

    Today, managers are exposed to high levels of stress, burnout, disengagement, fatigue, and constant distractions, which means employees are performing well below their baseline.

    “Employee stress and burnout have reached “epidemic” levels over the past decade.”

    of all employees
    are disengaged

    Source: Gallup’s global employee engagement statistics

    of all employees
    feel burned out

    Our Approach

    The most successful people design their lives and careers around flow, this is true for entrepreneurs, executives, athletes, artists….

    In our evidence-based training you will access the latest research and protocols at the intersection of flow-, neuro- & peak-performance sciences curated from top researchers out of Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, UPenn, DARPA, and many others.

    “I’ve gone seventy-nine hours without sleep, creating. When that flow is going, it’s almost like a high. You don’t want it to stop. You don’t want to go to sleep for fear of missing something.”

    Dr. Dre

    “In two hours in flow I can accomplish tremendous things… It’s like there is no challenge I can’t meet.”

    Richard Branson

    “Flow is being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz.”

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

    Why Flow is the Key to Success

    Flow also known as “being in the zone” is defined as an optimal state of consciousness in which we can access our greatest performance while feeling our best.

    Our training method is based on the latest research from some of the world’s leading academic institutions.


    Faster skill acquisition

    Advanced Brain 
Monitoring & DARPA


    Increase in creative problem solving

    University of Sydney

    3 DAYS

    of heightened creativity after the flow state



    Increase in executives’ prodictivity


    Europe’s first evidence-based flow and peak performance training

    Designed to build your skills and scale your impact so you no longer have to leave it to chance whether you get into flow.

    Reach your next level

    Upgrade yourself using leading edge science based protocols and frameworks to unlock peak performance

    Leveraging the Mindset of the Performance Elite

    Apply the secrets of silicon valley techleaders, maverick scientists and mystery traditions

    Tangible and measurable experience

    Take deep dives into immersive experiences and access higher levels of consciousness for complex problem-solving.

    How our training

    Online Module 1

    Clear inner compass & Your best version

    You learn to recognize your own potential and to live up to your best version as fast as possible with a clear inner compass.

    Through measurable, crystal clear goals you learn to focus on the important & urgent things in order to create your own life with more ease, joy and inner freedom.

    Online Module 2

    Biohacking and new micro routines

    Through a deep understanding of your own biology with techniques from top athletes, Navy Seals and top CEO’s you learn to deal with stress and overwhelm, recover faster and get a lot more energy and focus.

    Newly acquired habits and routines will enable you to accomplish more in less time and actively shape your life according to your own nature.

    Online Module 3

    Flow Deep Dive

    You learn to trigger flow on demand and maximize your time in those “perfect moments”.

    By applying neuroscientific approaches behind flow states and using evolutionary flow triggers, you will be able to design your personal and professional life around flow in no time.

    It’s an intensive how-to manual with tangible techniques to get fully in the moment, come alive and deliver unimaginable performance while feeling good in the process.

    Online Module 4

    Overcoming my biggest development challenge

    Using methods from Harvard and the scientific approach, you will learn to make your own subconscious blocks visible to enable your greatest developmental leaps.

    Identifying unwanted behavioral patterns and the accompanying hidden beliefs behind them allows you to release inner blocks so you no longer stand in your own way.

    Online Module 5

    Integration & Flow Performance Plan

    A long-term and sustainable integration of what you have learned ensures that you develop a flow personality that is determined, curious, open and ready for any challenge.

    You create a clear strategy and structure for a long-term vision that allows you to achieve your most ambitious goals with newfound fire for life and without compromising your health or time with friends and family.

    At the end of our training
    you will have:

    The ability to access flow at any time in your daily life to go through life with more efficiency, ease and well-being.

    Learn to actively manage your life and act according to your best version

    State-of-the-art science-based protocols and frameworks and the tools and techniques of successful entrepreneurs & top athletes for peak performance at the push of a button.

    The ability to achieve more in less time through flow in order to free up more time for the really important things.

    The ability to increase your focus, energy and creativity by up to 500% and reclaim more time and quality of life.

    The ability to recover faster, actively regenerate and dramatically increase your sleep quality (2h+ rem/deep sleep)

    The ability to consciously go through fears and blockages and to control your emotions.

    What others say about training with us


    CEO X.Y.0.1.

    “The program was life-changing. Both on a personal and professional level, my team and I benefited significantly.”


    Managing Partner, PANTARHEI ADVISORS

    “After the Peak Performance Mindset program with Achim, we developed a whole new understanding of our vision – and not just in our heads, but as a holistic, almost physical feeling.”


    Head of Marketing

    “A lot of things have changed in my life throughout the program because of all the practical tools I could integrate in my daily practice. They helped me to feel better, sleep better and see things from a completely different perspective.”


    Country Manager

    “I became aware of what’s truly important for me. It´s not all about work, it´s about being one whole person and this gives me so much energy and wellbeing in my life. For me that´s the biggest discovery and change.”


    Vice President

    “With this program it was the first time I can really say it changed my life. I realized for the first time that I was embarking on a journey. Mentally and physically. It sets off a chain reaction, you are more alert, your environment notices, you work more focused, and you get into the flow easier”


    Chief Financial Officer

    “There was a surprising amount of detail in the program which I could see working for myself after the application in my daily life. Through focusing more on myself I could expand my capacity for my private and professional life. This was a very rewarding process to go through.”

      This is for you, if…

      …you are a changemaker, leader, CEO, entrepreneur, leading-edge & curious mind

      …you seek to drastically increase performance, creativity, focus and overall well being

      …you are an open-minded individual ready to experience uncommon training protocols & methods to access, create & lead from higher states

      … you are willing to make sustainable changes in your day to day life to experience the immediate & long-term benefits of flow (we actively discourage bliss-seekers)

      “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”


      Our Mission

      To open-source the science behind flow states and make it applicable so individuals and organizations can thrive faster & easier.

      Part of

      A European association of transformation specialists with offices in Berlin, Vienna, Stockholm, Oslo, and Zurich.